Wofür steht ACTA?
Das Anti-Counterfeiting-Trade-Agreement (ACTA) ist ein internationales Abkommen zur Bekämpfung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen und Produkpiraterie. Beteiligt sind unter anderem die USA, di eEU-Staaten und Japan. Die ACTA-Verhandlungen fanden größtenteils unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit statt. Auch über die Ergebnisse wurde kaum informiert. Der EU-Ministerrat stimmte dem Abkommen im Dezember 2011 zu, das EU-Parlament jedoch noch nicht. Kritiker des Abkommens befürchten, dass Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Urheberrechten im Internet zu einer Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit und einer dauerhaften Überwachung von Internet-Inhalten führen könnten. In vielen Ländern gibt es deshalb Proteste gegen ACTA.
So zum austauschen.. Ihr braucht euch hier nicht zu registrieren um zu schreiben!
At the other end of the spectrum, Carnival Cruise Lines fees a comparatively modest solitary price, commonly thirty to fifty percent of the ambigu-occupancy fare. The all set availability of Carnival cabins with previous-moment discounts means that eve.
The event was set up to raise money for the Prince's Trust where for one night only the crème de la crème of the fashion and music worlds will pair up.
In contrast to his pleasant and cooperative ways, David was sometimes disobedient. He did, in fact, have a bicycle, one that our son had outgrown. It had only one speed, as did a larger model that our son in turn had inherited. But a passion for cycling off the asphalt was the cause for David's initial spanking. He repeatedly rode his bike through vacant lots. And while that bit of open country was more congenial to his nature, the bicycle tires balked at such rare freedom. Nevertheless, punctures made by rubber loving thorns were dutifully repaired for several weeks. Patience evaporated, though, when the latest joyride chalked up a score of seventeen separate punctures.
In effetti la scritta "ristampa" mancava dalle copertine della rivista del 1985, anno di ripubblicazione del romanzo di Harry Harrison Le stelle nelle mani (In our hands the stars, 1970), allora come oggi il cerchio rosso richiudeva l'illustrazione della copertina.