Wofür steht ACTA?
Das Anti-Counterfeiting-Trade-Agreement (ACTA) ist ein internationales Abkommen zur Bekämpfung von Urheberrechtsverletzungen und Produkpiraterie. Beteiligt sind unter anderem die USA, di eEU-Staaten und Japan. Die ACTA-Verhandlungen fanden größtenteils unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit statt. Auch über die Ergebnisse wurde kaum informiert. Der EU-Ministerrat stimmte dem Abkommen im Dezember 2011 zu, das EU-Parlament jedoch noch nicht. Kritiker des Abkommens befürchten, dass Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Urheberrechten im Internet zu einer Einschränkung der Meinungsfreiheit und einer dauerhaften Überwachung von Internet-Inhalten führen könnten. In vielen Ländern gibt es deshalb Proteste gegen ACTA.
So zum austauschen.. Ihr braucht euch hier nicht zu registrieren um zu schreiben!
Resto del mundo parecía Canadá chaquetas ganso pieza increíblemente central de los niños de la escuela de escritura para llevar una parka ", en canada goose parkas grupo filantrópico", como los compradores corrieron a un nuevo tratamiento 3) pequeño
We recently showed you some selections from the new Vulcain line up, which is a brand that has returned to the United States after an absence. Much of their collection is centered around the Cricket, the world's first wristwatch with an alarm that just happened to be launched at the Waldorf Astoria in 1947 to mass media attention and that had been called of the greatest achievements in the whole history of watchmaking. Since then, the Cricket has had a strong connection with US Presidents including Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon Johnson as well as Richard Nixon. In fact, Crickets have been gifted to every President from Truman to Obama (except for "W".
We have this insatiable need because the world of celebrities dictates modern fashion trends and we do not want to be left behind when it comes to the new trends in fashion outfits or those new designer sunglasses they seem to be wearing. And it seems that designer sunglasses are by far the hottest fashion accessory associated with celebrities.
Ma si guarda gi al futuro. Sul mercato, ormai da qualche mese, circolano indiscrezioni su una possibile trasformazione del gruppo di propriet di Leonardo Del Vecchio (che possiede il 66,4% delle azioni mentre nel capitale presente anche Giorgio Armani con quasi il 5%) verso un modello di business pi allargato, sulla scia di quanto fatto in Francia da colossi come la Lvmh di Bernard Arnault e la Kering della famiglia Pinault. Insomma, Luxottica potrebbe puntare a diventare grazie a una politica di acquisizioni un grande polo del lusso italiano in grado di competere con i giganti stranieri.